Empowering Partners Through Easy AI Implementation Leveraging No-Code Tools: Part Two of the DevNet Podcast


While many today recognize the great benefits that artificial intelligence (AI) provides, for those without a background in engineering or coding, its integration has often been perceived as daunting at best or impossible at worst. No-code AI tools, however, have emerged, and are leveling the playing field with easy AI implementation by offering more user-friendly interfaces that simplify complex processes like machine learning (ML) model development. Through intuitive drag-and-drop actions, partners can now experiment and innovate with AI solutions without the need for extensive coding expertise. This approach not only reduces development time and complexity but also fosters a more inclusive and diverse development environment.

In the latest episode of the AI and DevNet podcast from EDGE360, host Lucas Hunsicker delves into this topic with Ruben Dedman, NetDevOps Consultant – Cisco DevNet at TD SYNNEX. Together, they explore the game-changing impact of no-code tools on AI development processes and how they’re creating more accessibility to a broader audience. Dedman emphasizes the importance of embracing these transformative tools to stay ahead in today’s dynamic technological landscape. With the support and expertise available at TD SYNNEX, organizations can harness the power of AI and drive innovation with confidence.

“Inspiring examples involve a healthcare partner, who used a no-code AI platform to develop a patient monitoring system. With minimal technical expertise, they’re able to create an AI solution that analyzes patient data in real-time, providing critical insight into patient health trends. The system played a significant role in enhancing patient care and operational efficiency.”

Listen to the full podcast here:


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